Review of Smart Manufacturing with IoT Integration and Leveraging Machine Learning Analysis


  • Rajeev Kumar and Dr.Manav A Thakur




The integration of IoT in manufacturing processes enables real-time data collection and monitoring, facilitating enhanced visibility and control over production. This connectivity allows for the seamless exchange of information between machines and systems, optimizing operations and reducing downtime. The abstract highlights the potential for increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness through predictive maintenance, which can pre-emptively identify and address machinery issues, ultimately boosting productivity. the incorporation of machine learning analysis adds a layer of intelligence to the manufacturing ecosystem. By leveraging historical and real-time data, machine learning algorithms can identify patterns, anomalies, and potential improvements within the production process. This abstract suggests that such insights can lead to data-driven decision-making, process optimization, and quality enhancement.The abstract effectively conveys the key advantages, such as real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making, positioning this concept as a vital driver of industry progress and competitiveness.




How to Cite

Rajeev Kumar and Dr.Manav A Thakur. (2024). Review of Smart Manufacturing with IoT Integration and Leveraging Machine Learning Analysis. African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics ISSN: 1539-854X, Multidisciplinary UGC CARE GROUP I, 25(5), 88–101. Retrieved from


